<aside> 💡 This section covers technical information around network construction, hardware components, and general architecture


Engineering philosophy

Networks based on decentralized infrastructure principles shift engineering principles from the few to the many — from the network operators to multi-stakeholder tiered models within those networks, distributing both contractual ownership and the physical infrastructure itself. The end result it to ensure greater availability through more redundant network pathways and that control of a system is distributed amongst a wide group individuals rather than concentrated into small group with a monolithic power structure.

Network Engineering Principles

When building a wireless Internet Service Provider (ISP), certain network engineering principles are crucial to ensure reliability, performance, and scalability. Here are some key principles to consider:

  1. Minimizing Single Points of Failure/Building in Redundancy:
  2. Ensuring Every Device is Monitored:
  3. Importance of Proper Hardware Selection:
  4. Scalability and Future-Proofing:
  5. Security Considerations:
  6. Quality of Service (QoS) and Traffic Management:
  7. Site Surveys and Proper Planning:
  8. Backup and Disaster Recovery:

Further Reading

Althea Mesh Network Engineering Best Practices

Customer Premises Architecture

Public WiFi Open Access Points

Gateway Architecture

Relay Architecture